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Livestock farmers and biogas plants: cover your slurry and digestate stores to reduce ammonia emissions
Uncovered manure, slurry and anaerobic digestion plant digestate stores release ammonia emissions which volatise into NOx over our cities and lands, this air pollution is agriculture, farming's and biogas production most harmful and proliferant air pollutant.
Approx 88% of the UK's ammonia emissions are from the agricultural sector, the targets are to reduce ammonia emissions by 8% by the end of this year (COGAP 2018)
Farmergy have a full range of covers for pretty much every situation that will reduce ammonia air pollution. We are farmers and biogas plant owners, our boots are mucky, we are not just sales folk away somewhere in an office with a crib sheet, we know what you need and your time contrainst and time pressures and storage and spreading times, from first cuts to NVZ's we know the different pressures that shape a farm / plants schedules.
To keep up-to-date on cutting edge news from around the country, and hot off the press grants and schemes to help pay for these covers please follow us on Twitter
Farmergy are here to support the transition of farming and agriculture to new levels of sustainability, soil regeneration, nutrient availability and onsite organic resource managment.
We bring you the best in innovation, based on tried and tested heritage understanding of working the land. Blending together tradition, technology and good sense to feed our people, but not at the expense of starving our soils and chocking our rivers.
The world faces nutrient runoff and nutrient shortage at the same time, it's time to get clever by applying correct rates of fertiliser, this is why when you cover your slurry and digestate stores, not only are you keeping the diluting rain water out, you are also keeping presious nutrients in, and in a way that is more readily available to the plants once it is applied to the ground.
All this just by placing a cover over piles of the brown stuff. So, our new strap line for this year.....wait for it....drum roll please.....
Farmergy, we've got it covered!
We are already advertising in the Farmers Guardian starting with the digestate special and also Dairy Farmer, we are offering free slurry and digestate store surveys and quotes for covers.
Get us along, and get ahead of the stampeed for covers, all stores must be covered by 2027, earlier for larger volumes and stores.
Click on the Clean Air Strategy and COGAP pictures below, to take you straight to the online documents that apply to ammonia emisssions reduction so you know what your obligations are going forwards.
Now here is what we have to offer....
We supply sturdy flexible slurry and digestate store covers, these can be retrofitted to existing slurry stores on pig, dairy and beef farms and biogas plants in the UK and Republic of Ireland, or we can install whole new silos and covers, and also The Ecobag which is an above ground giant rubber bag with mixers to stop the larger particles settling out, a safer storgage and no crust formation.
Our Wiefferink self-supporting slurry covers The Silocover, come with a 5 year manufacturers guarantee, have a design life of 10 - 15 years, however we've seen Silocovers that have been in place in Holland on wastewater plants that are still going strong and looking good after 25 years.
We can supply the Silocovers to fit the usual round silo shape, we can also fit them to above ground rectangular/square slurry stores, and also below ground slurry lagoons where a concrete ring is laid down for us to attach to.
Our floating covers are made by Tencate and can be fitted to either silos or earth sunken slurry lagoons, we can pretty much cater for any shape, and we've seen some strange shapes over the years.
The Ecobag is a flexible storage bag for between 500m3 to 15,000m3. It can be used, for example, as a storage option when spreading manure is not permitted, or as a digestate end store for biogas installations.
Please visit our Agriculture & Farming Products Page to see the full specification of each of our ammonia reducing products for agriculture and biogas plants.
Slurry stores and covers provide the benefit of:
protecting the store from rainwater and reducing storage and field application costs
reduce ammonia emissions by keeping ammonia locked up as ammonium which is a bound-in nutrient increasing bioavailability
reducing the loss of nitrogen and increase the quality of slurry as a fertiliser
reducing ammonia emissions and improving air quality
minimising odour emissions
conserve nitrogen
increase the efficiency and reduce costs of your farm system
reduce fossil based application of fertilisers, as your slurry / digestate is more potent
Uncovered manure, slurry and anaerobic digestion plant digestate stores release ammonia emissions which volatise into NOx over our cities and lands, this air pollution is agriculture, farming's and biogas production most harmful and proliferant air pollutant.
Approx 88% of the UK's ammonia emissions are from the agricultural sector, the targets are to reduce ammonia emissions by 8% by the end of this year (COGAP 2018)
Farmergy have a full range of covers for pretty much every situation that will reduce ammonia air pollution. We are farmers and biogas plant owners, our boots are mucky, we are not just sales folk away somewhere in an office with a crib sheet, we know what you need and your time contrainst and time pressures and storage and spreading times, from first cuts to NVZ's we know the different pressures that shape a farm / plants schedules.
To keep up-to-date on cutting edge news from around the country, and hot off the press grants and schemes to help pay for these covers please follow us on Twitter
Farmergy are here to support the transition of farming and agriculture to new levels of sustainability, soil regeneration, nutrient availability and onsite organic resource managment.
We bring you the best in innovation, based on tried and tested heritage understanding of working the land. Blending together tradition, technology and good sense to feed our people, but not at the expense of starving our soils and chocking our rivers.
The world faces nutrient runoff and nutrient shortage at the same time, it's time to get clever by applying correct rates of fertiliser, this is why when you cover your slurry and digestate stores, not only are you keeping the diluting rain water out, you are also keeping presious nutrients in, and in a way that is more readily available to the plants once it is applied to the ground.
All this just by placing a cover over piles of the brown stuff. So, our new strap line for this year.....wait for it....drum roll please.....
Farmergy, we've got it covered!
We are already advertising in the Farmers Guardian starting with the digestate special and also Dairy Farmer, we are offering free slurry and digestate store surveys and quotes for covers.
Get us along, and get ahead of the stampeed for covers, all stores must be covered by 2027, earlier for larger volumes and stores.
Click on the Clean Air Strategy and COGAP pictures below, to take you straight to the online documents that apply to ammonia emisssions reduction so you know what your obligations are going forwards.
Now here is what we have to offer....
We supply sturdy flexible slurry and digestate store covers, these can be retrofitted to existing slurry stores on pig, dairy and beef farms and biogas plants in the UK and Republic of Ireland, or we can install whole new silos and covers, and also The Ecobag which is an above ground giant rubber bag with mixers to stop the larger particles settling out, a safer storgage and no crust formation.
Our Wiefferink self-supporting slurry covers The Silocover, come with a 5 year manufacturers guarantee, have a design life of 10 - 15 years, however we've seen Silocovers that have been in place in Holland on wastewater plants that are still going strong and looking good after 25 years.
We can supply the Silocovers to fit the usual round silo shape, we can also fit them to above ground rectangular/square slurry stores, and also below ground slurry lagoons where a concrete ring is laid down for us to attach to.
Our floating covers are made by Tencate and can be fitted to either silos or earth sunken slurry lagoons, we can pretty much cater for any shape, and we've seen some strange shapes over the years.
The Ecobag is a flexible storage bag for between 500m3 to 15,000m3. It can be used, for example, as a storage option when spreading manure is not permitted, or as a digestate end store for biogas installations.
Please visit our Agriculture & Farming Products Page to see the full specification of each of our ammonia reducing products for agriculture and biogas plants.
Slurry stores and covers provide the benefit of:
protecting the store from rainwater and reducing storage and field application costs
reduce ammonia emissions by keeping ammonia locked up as ammonium which is a bound-in nutrient increasing bioavailability
reducing the loss of nitrogen and increase the quality of slurry as a fertiliser
reducing ammonia emissions and improving air quality
minimising odour emissions
conserve nitrogen
increase the efficiency and reduce costs of your farm system
reduce fossil based application of fertilisers, as your slurry / digestate is more potent
See our
Ecobag - See Farmergy Products Wiefferink The Ecobag
Floating covers for slurry stores and lagoons - See Farmergy Products TenCate Floating Covers
Self-supporting covers for slurry stores - See Farmergy Products Wiefferink Silo Cover